Visiting my parents in Romania for a week, I found the country to be full of beauty and sadness. Where my mother lives is one of the wealthy areas of the city, a little outside the actual metropolitain area, but run over with packs of wild dogs. The likes of which leaves my marathon runner mother, to not even atempt to walk down the street. The pot holes to their house so big that cars have been totaled getting through. The garbage in piles, but the grocery store charges 5 euro for a ripe avacado. The contrast astounds.
We tour the city a little, the variety of architecture unriveled in any European city I have been to, from amazing wood lattice work to fanciful organic balconies of art nouveau. The problem is none of them are kept up, what could be a city with some incredible prime examples of such an amazing variety of buildings, is really quite a run-down one. Getting out of the city we traveled by car, past the heaps of garbage into the countryside. Stopping off at Bron castle.

Bron Castle, the rain just as perfect as can be...